Sunday 11th November is a day where we all remember, appreciate and respect those that lost their lives at war. Sadly, it will come as little surprise to you that many of our homeless friends, were serving men and women at some point in their lifetimes.

Whilst we wear our poppies to commemorate the brave and lost, we must also remember those men and woman still serving today and those no longer serving, but forever changed by their experiences.

Some of our friends suffer from addictions and conditions that have resulted from their years in the forces, and we hope to support them to eventually get them into their forever homes.

We will continue to feed, clothe and house our homeless friends, but if you do know of a veteran who is homeless, or facing homelessness, please refer them to the Royal British Legion.

The Royal British Legion take an active role in trying to prevent homelessness amongst the Armed Forces and will be happy to take your call on 0808 802 8080.