Homeless at Christmas
We help the homeless throughout the year but Christmas is a particularly hard time for our homeless friends. As they are sat on the cold ground watching everyone buying their loved ones gifts it can make them feel even lower.
This is why we try to make Christmas an extra special time of the year and pull out all the stops to ensure they feel loved.

So as you know we had a santa sack appeal and collected gifts, wrapped them and bagged them up in Santa sacks ready to take out and deliver to our homeless friends.
On Christmas eve we headed to the streets of Leeds to hand out the presents to all our homeless friends and also give them a hot Christmas dinner.
All our homeless friend were so happy to get the presents and a hot Christmas dinner and they still are talking to us about their presents they received.

On Christmas morning one of our amazing volunteers was up at the crack of dawn to start cooking lots of breakfast sandwiches to take out to our homeless guys. She also took out waffles with maple syrup, selection boxes, homemade gingerbread men and lots of hot drinks.
Our homeless friends were so happy to wake up to a hot sandwich and lots of goodies!

Helping our friends at Christmas is very important to us and we want to make it as special as we can for them!