£5 Survival Bags
Now that the winter months have arrived and the nights become colder, our homeless friends will continue to live on the streets until we can help them to their forever homes.
At times through this winter, you will probably walk/past/cycle one of our homeless friends, and they will likely need a friendly hand at some point! If you want to help but don’t know how, here is a quick way you can help this winter, for under £5!

You can create a Survival Kit, to keep in your handbag, backpack, car or your desk at work! All you need is a zip-lock freezer bag and some of the below items…
£5 Survival Kit
Socks – 50p
- 5 pairs can be bought at Primark for £2.50, making 1 pair only 50p
Gloves – £1.00
- 2 pairs can be bought at Primark for £2.00, making 1 pair only £1.00
Hand Warmer – £0.50
- 2 pack can be bought from Halfords for £1.00, making 1 warmer only 50p
High Calorie Chocolate Bar – £0.25
- e.g. Yorkie, Snickers or Twix – 4 packs available at any Pound shop for £1, making each bar only 25p
Tissues – £0.16
- 6 pack can be bought at Boots for £1.00, making 1 pack only around 16p
Baby Wipes – £1.00
- £1 from any Pound Shop
Plaster/Bandage – £1.00
- £1 from any Pound Shop
- We have emergency call out numbers that our homeless friends, or you, can call. Include our information on a piece of paper in your survival kit.
Total = £4.41
Please keep a look out for our homeless friends this winter and think ahead for them, no one wants to be out in the cold!
*Please remember to always call an ambulance if emergency medical care is required*
Hello, this blog was based upon the experience we have working with the homeless. We would like to think we know quite well what they may need and thought that making a blog post about this might help people who may want to give to the homeless but would prefer not to give them any money. Thankyou for your comment, Jess x
Thankyou, we aim to make our blog posts simple to read and understand. We hope to be able to get the point across in a way that the average user can understand and so that it is beneficial. Thankyou for your comment, Jess x
I find that writing out a p[lan on paper on how i want the blog post to be structured helps, i hope this is helpful for you and good luck with your futurue blog posts. Thankyou for your comment, Jess x
Thankyou for your comment and continued support, Jess x